IWCS Implements Anonymous Online Reporting System

The ISLE Be Safe Anonymous Online Reporting System allows students, parents, employees, or citizens to anonymously report or notify school officials in a formal manner of incidents or actions that may pose danger to individuals or the school. Message topics may include bullying, cyber-bullying, family difficulties, self-harm, cutting, drug and alcohol abuse, student depression, harassment, weapon-related issues or abnormal student behavior.

 The ISLE Be Safe Anonymous Online Reporting System begins with completing an online form.  Each school has a link to the form on their webpage and on the IWCS ISLE Be Safe page, located online at  School counselors and administrators will receive a copy of the completed online form and will follow-up on the reported concern.

The ISLE Be Safe Anonymous Online Reporting System is not a 24-hour crisis hotline and will only be monitored during school days and school hours.  Reporters are directed to contact 911 if the issue requires immediate assistance.

Board members John Collick and Michael Cunningham, along with Director of Support Services Todd Christiansen, attended the 2022 National Threat Assessment Conference for Educational Institutions in Virginia Beach in October.  The conference emphasized the importance of an anonymous online reporting system as a crucial layer of security for schools and a primary preventative measure against threats.  Isle of Wight County Schools has always focused on the safety and security of all stakeholders and identified a specific objective on school safety in the division’s strategic plan.  “We know students can’t learn if they don’t feel safe,” said Dr. Theo Cramer, division Superintendent.  “The ISLE Be Safe platform provides an outlet for anyone to share concerns in order for the division to be proactive in keeping all students and staff safe from threats.”

