The JROTC Rifle Team is once again off to a great start this year. In November they hosted and won their third consecutive Hog Tie side by side rifle match and qualified to compete in this year’s Brigade best of best match held in Hickory, NC earlier this month. The team qualified as the 18th team of 22 total invited and performed well enough to move up to 14th place. The team's new shooters performed amazingly well with James Goodrich placing 7th , Miranda Hensley placing 10th, and Kassia Bell placing 15th among all the new shooters at the match. The team was also just notified that it has once again qualified to compete in Northeast regionals at Camp Perry, OH in February based on their team score on the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) postal match.
Notable performances this year:
November 6 – Hog Tie 3 x 20 side by side match (Smithfield HS)
- Best score in Standing: Ryder Swedlund
- Best score in Kneeling: Ryder Swedlund
- Best Team: Smithfield HS
December 5 – Brigade Best of Best 3 x 20 (Hickory, NC)
- Nymiar Towns – 29 overall out of 110
- Placed 2nd of all VA schools
- James Goodrich and Miranda Hensley placed 7th and 10th respectively for new shooters
December 10 – CMP Regional Notification
- Placed 15th in the Northeast Regional Qualifier, qualifying the team to compete at Camp Perry, OH in February
- New shooter, Kassia Bell, led all SHS Marksman with the team high score of 242
Right to left: Cadets James Goodrich, Miranda Hensley, Kassia Bell, Nymiar Towns and Ryder
Swedlund compete in the Kneeling position in Hickory, NC at the 4 th Brigade Best of Best Rifle