Facilities, Construction, & Maintenance » Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvement Plan

The school division annually develops a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to cover large projects related to buildings and other facilities.  CIP items are major non-recurring capital infrastructure needs. Eligible projects should exceed $50,000 and have a long service life estimated at five (5) years or more.  Information, such as enrollment projections and building capacity, are referenced as part of the planning process. The proposed plan is submitted to the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for consideration for inclusion in the county's CIP.  The CIP is prepared every fall and the approved recommendations are sent to the Board of Supervisors for a vote each spring.


The current CIP is part of the County's Budget and CIP Book which can be found on the Isle of Wight County website at https://cms9files.revize.com/wightcountyva/Budget%20and%20Finance/FY23%20Budget%20Book-%2008.10.22.pdf    The specific information for school CIP projects is located on page numbers 284 to 288. 


 IWCS is currently collecting citizen input for revisions to the CIP.  The division will hold two community meetings where citizens can provide suggestions on items for inclusion in the plan.  The first meeting will be October 3, 6:00pm, at Smithfield High School.  The second meeting will be October 5, 6:00pm, at Windsor High School.


If you are unable  to attend one of the in-person events, you can provide feedback on the CIP through an online survey:  IWCS Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Survey.

The survey will close at 11:59 pm on Friday, October 7.


A proposed draft, based on input from the community meetings and this survey, will be shared with the community in the coming weeks for additional feedback.