Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI)

Applications for next school year (2025-2026) are now open!!!
Please read all the information on the webpage carefully.
Welcome to Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) in IWCS! 
Please read this webpage to learn more about our 4-year-old preschool program.
We do NOT have preschool for 3-year-olds. 
Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) is our Four-Year-Old Preschool program that addresses student's physical, academic, social, and emotional needs at no cost. The Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) operates on full-day schedule and follows the Isle of Wight School calendar. The school hours are from 8:35 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. Students are provided transportation from designated bus stops determined by the IWCS Transportation Department. Breakfast and Lunch are available. 
We have five classrooms at four of our elementary schools. The locations are below.
* Hardy Elementary
* Carrsville Elementary
* Windsor Elementary
* Carrollton Elementary 
Each classroom has one certified teacher and is supported by one full-day instructional assistant. Class sizes are no more than 18 students. Parent/Guardian participation is also expected through student conferences, family workshops, and other forms of communication like email, telephone, Remind, etc. 
Eligibility Requirements of the Program 
Our Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Program is funded through a grant from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) which also determines eligibility criteria for participation. 
For children to participate, they must be four (4) years old by September 30th, 2025, and live in Isle of Wight County. 
The Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Program is designed for children who have experienced or may be exposed to factors that could negatively impact their school success.
All families are encouraged to apply, but slots will be filled based on student needs.
The following criteria are set forth by the VDOE to determine eligibility FIRSTand include: 
* The child lives in poverty as evidenced by family income (at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines)
* The child is homeless, defined as not living in a regular, fixed residence, or sharing housing due to economic hardship
* The child's parents or guardians have limited education, such as not completing high school
* The child has special needs or a disability
If there are still spots, additional risk factors can be considered when determining eligibility and include:
* The child is raised by relatives. 
* The child is a foster child.
* The child lives with a parent who is chronically ill. 
* The child does not speak English. 
* The child has an identified special need or disability. 
* The child's parent or guardian is incarcerated. 
* The child lives in a single-parent home. 
* The child's parent or guardian is on military deployment. 
Application & Acceptance Timeline
Applications and supporting documents are being received between now and May 1st, 2025, for the initial collection. The application window will remain open through the 2025-2026 school year. There are a limited number of slots.
All parents/guardians are encouraged to complete the application; however, there is no guarantee that the child will be accepted into the program. It is also not first come, first serve. Being accepted into the program is determined by eligibility requirements set forth by the state (VDOE). Please see the requirements listed above. This process determines if your child is eligible for the program. 
Parents/guardians will be notified, via email, if the child was accepted, ineligible, or put on a waitlist by June 1st, 2025. If the child was accepted, the child needs to be registered at the zone school. This will occur at a Registration Event during the summer and will be when you provide the child's original birth certificate and the photo ID of the adult. Students are not able to attend preschool until registration has occurred. This process is to confirm that your student is accepted into the program. 
Children who are not accepted into the program, but are found eligible, will be placed on a waitlist. The child's application is kept on file at the Isle of Wight County School Board Office. If a slot becomes available during the school year, applications are reviewed and a child is selected. Parents/guardians will be notified, via email. It is the goal to have all 18 to 20 slots at each location filled throughout the entire school year. 
Application Process 
You must find out if your are eligible for our program by completing this application and submitting documents BEFORE you register your child on the enrollment page. 
Application Submission List
1) Online Google Form Application. In order to apply for admission, please complete the form here. If you would like a paper copy, please email [email protected].
If you would like help completing the form, please call Haley Cooprider at 757.357.4393. 
Our preschool is not first come, first served. Just because you were one of the first to apply, that does not mean your child is automatically given a spot. Your child must be found eligible, so please send in the following documents. 
2) Income Verification (Please submit one of the following for both working adults in the home.) 
* 2024 Tax Return OR 
* 2024 W-2 OR 
* Two (2) most recent pay stubs
If you are not currently employed, you will need to complete the No Income Verification Form. The form is below. 
3) Other Income Verification (Please submit the following if they are applicable.) 
* Child Support 
* Other 
4) Proof of Residency in Isle of Wight County
If you own or rent your home, ONE (1) of the following is needed.
* Mortgage contract or deed with date of occupancy or completion with mortgage amount blacked out
* Lease agreement signed by Leaser and Leas-see with amount blacked out
* Rental agreement signed by Landlord and Renter with amount blacked out
* If social services are involved, then certification of services listing the 911 address of recipient
If none of the above are available, TWO (2) of the following is needed. 
* Mortgage bill statement
* Real Estate Tax receipt showing the correct 911 address 
* Utility bills indicating the name of residence and 911 address (Accepted utility bills include electric, water, gas, or sewage. Telephone and cable bills are not accepted.)
If you are living with another family in Isle of Wight and you have no bills in your name, the Shared Housing Form will need to be completed. Please be advised that the Shared Housing Form must be completed annually. Proof of residency is also required for the person who owns or rents the home. Within 30 days or the first day of school, the parent or guardian MUST PROVIDE a copy of his/her updated driver's license and 1 additional piece of documentation (bank statement, vehicle registration, pay stub, or voter registration). The form is below. 
5) Custody Court Order (if applicable)
6) Current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Eligibility Plan (if applicable) 
7) Foster Care Placement Paperwork (if applicable) 
Please do NOT send your child's birth certificate or your driver's license at this time. It is needed only IF your child is eligible for our program. 
If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact Haley Cooprider at (757) 357-4393 or email [email protected]. :)