About Us » Volunteer with IWCS

Volunteer with IWCS

Thank you for applying to volunteer in our schools!  Your presence is important to the success of our students. 

Isle of Wight County Schools (IWCS) values and promotes the engagement of families and the community in our schools.  These interactions and opportunities strengthen the experiences of our students, provide the community with direct knowledge of learning taking place in our schools, and enhance the relationships and bonds within our community.

In order to provide our students, staff, families and community a safe and secure environment in which to learn, we must have a protocol in place that establishes the procedures for volunteering with IWCS sponsored activities.  This protocol is in place for the safety and security of everyone and establishes a consistent process to apply to become an IWCS volunteer.

All potential volunteers must complete an online application:  IWCS Volunteer Application

IWCS categorizes volunteers by Levels, based on the type of activities with which they are involved.
  • Level 1: Requires volunteers to check-in through the main office with a state issued identification (No Cost); Includes one-time activities such as: daytime field trips, reading to a class, participating in school beautification events, etc.
  • Level 2: Requires CPS background check ($10); Includes daily lunch programs, mentorship programs, leading student clubs, providing routine classroom assistance, or organized partnerships with community groups. 
  • Level 3: Requires CPS & Criminal background check ($37); Includes overnight field trips, volunteer coaching/athletic advising, or any unsupervised/unrestricted access to students. 
After submitting your application using the online form, the principal(s) will review the information and approve or deny the application.  A member of the school team will email or call the volunteer to communicate the next steps in the process.
Schools will schedule a volunteer orientation with Level 2 and/or Level 3 volunteers prior to volunteering with the school division.  The purpose of orientation is to remind volunteers of the expectations of a volunteer and review protocols and procedures for reporting concerns. All volunteers must review the orientation presentation with a member of the school team. 
Guidelines for the IWCS Volunteer process are included in School Board regulation IICB-R.