Title I
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to support instructional programs in school divisions and schools with high number or percentages of low-income students to ensure that all children meet challenging content and achievement standards.
Title I also authorizes federal grant programs that provide funds for reading and/or math instruction, services to migrant children, services to neglected and delinquent children, comprehensive school reform and dropout prevention.
Click here to learn more about the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I: Improving Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged.
Isle of Wight County Schools receives Title I, Part A funding to support three elementary schools: Carrsville Elementary, Hardy Elementary, and Windsor Elementary. In these schools, Title I resources are used to support reading and mathematics instructional programs, professional development opportunities, and parent involvement activities. The goal of Title I is to focus on students’ academic programs for increased student achievement.
The Title I program generally offers:
- Additional teachers
- Professional development opportunities
- Additional small group instruction
- Access to supplemental teaching materials
- An individualized educational program for students
The Title I Parent Advisory Meetings are held quarterly at each Title I school.
If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact your school administrator.
For further information call Dr. Jennifer Cry, Title I Coordinator, at (757) 357-4393.
Title I Parent Center
Title I Parent Centers are located in each of the Title I schools: Carrsville Elementary, Hardy Elementary, and Windsor Elementary. The main objective of the Title I Parent Center is to increase parental involvement in their child’s overall social and academic experiences. Families and school personnel are encouraged to collaborate and develop partnerships that connect families and schools through educational resource materials, parent training workshops, and parent support resources.
Parent Center Resources
Student educational resource materials:
- hands on learning materials
- instructional videos
- Parenting Books
Upcoming Workshops
To be announced.